Thursday 26 November 2009


Following advise from the last tutorial I have been researching into shape, based on the shapes I have already come across from looking at Chromosomes, DNA structures and embryo's. 


I will experiment using the pentagon, hexagon and triangles to illustrate selecting/designing/creating human form. 

Thursday 19 November 2009


Following the tutorial I have researched into Human traits looking at them form a positive and negative point of view. These will play a key part in my work as it is inevitable that traits are something that we would want to have control over selecting. 

Wednesday 18 November 2009


I was really pleased with the feedback from David Evans on my essay which is focusing on how the photographic and illustrated image are becoming combined. 

David informed me that the essay was at an advanced stage, and had a good structure so far however these were the points I need to look at to develop it further:

  • Use the ABM database to get more information on my case studies.
  • Check literacy guidelines for referencing and bibliography.
  • Perhaps each case study should have a more in-depth analysis of a particular imagery?
  • Use the index of eye magazine to get more material.
  • Look at the idea of INTERMEDIALITY.


This is a more developed outcome I have been working on for my Don't Panic poster focusing on the the theme of 'RESISTANCE'. 

By using the imagery of a hand I am reflecting the idea of stopping, holding back an resisting a new revolution that will effect our society. Although D&AD is a separate brief it links perfectly with my negotiated practice brief, therefore using the same work to link the two is ideal. 

Tuesday 17 November 2009


By placing the key pieces of work that had produced so far on my bedroom wall, it was a good perspective to stand back and get inspiration to move and develop this project further.

Monday 16 November 2009


Today we had a group tutorial with Marcus Oakley and Joel, presenting our most recent more developed work. I present the illustrations on the previous post to the group as these are my most recent experimentations of work illustrating the idea creating perfection within the human race. 

It was picked up on that by using a photographic image of one particular person in my work that I was sending a biased message across that this person was the idea of perfection. However this is not what I wanted to portray as the idea of perfection within the human race is that everyones individual idealism's of perfection are going to be completely different. By moving away from using the image of someone's face I will unlinking the idea of perfection away from it being a specific race, gender etc. 
Instead of photography I need to focusing on the idea of abstraction, focusing and developing the ideas of shape and pattern that my illustrations are already portraying looking more closley at the geometric shapes our natural existence is made from like DNA. I need to make sure that the idea of Perfection is kept broad, an idea that I want to develop is that the outcome will always be different. Whatever each individual decides they want to select for the their baby, based on what they perceive as perfect, this will always be different to someone else. 


These are my latest more developed pieces that I have been working on. They are all focusing on portraying the idea of perfection as happiness and healthiness as this is what I have gathered from my research that are the most appealing traits of perfection. Using imagery of gene, DNA and embryo structures I have played with the natural patterns they have formed, showing the journey of creation, towards the outcome. The lose inky patterns contrast against the sharper geometric forms but combined tell the journey of growth.  

Thursday 12 November 2009


I have been experimenting with basic idea of the human hand print and finger prints foe negotiated practice as the hand print represents our identity of who we are. However the hand can also be a sign for STOP. 

I thought this ties in nicely with the idea of resistance, and the representations of a the hand that are stopping, pushing against something, holding some thing back - RESISTING.

Here are a few basic experiments that I have produced:

Friday 6 November 2009


Here are some quotes from Blockk theories on the idea of the Perfect Human and what makes and ideal human being.

"Since the dawn of civilisation man has strived to perfect himself"

 "Humans will always want to strive for perfection because we are imperfect - it is a human instinct to become perfect"

"Humans are created imperfect, therefore a perfect human being is impossible. A perfect being cannot be described as human"

"We must be aware that are perception is limited and everything isn't always as it seems"

A genetic revolution is one step closer, the next step to creating the perfecting human, to perfecting man kind. 

Thursday 5 November 2009


My research so far has lead me to looking at the idea of perfection in the human race, and how we are constantly trying to strive it, as science is evolving we are finding new and better ways to perfect ourselves. I have been looking at what people perceive as perfection and the traits that underline the idea of being perfect.

Our own personal idea of perfection is always going to be different to someone else's, what one might see as perfection might be completely the opposite to what others might perceive as perfection. As a society today I think we all think of perfection as healthy and happy and someone who carries good positive traits such as caring and friendly etc. 

I would like to look at the idea of perfection further and have this incorporated into my work. 

Tuesday 3 November 2009


Overall, I got some good feedback on my experimental illustrations, people seemed to understand the concepts behind my work, and liked my style of illustration. From the feedback I received I want to express the idea that all the different traits, looks, features etc are seen as FRAGMENTS of your desired child/human more so than I already have. I think this can be done by focusing on the shapes and patterns of DNA, chromosomes and embryo's, which I can then use to reflect different traits, both personality wise and appearance wise. It will show the different stages of creating your desired child.

1.Embryo and DNA imagery reflects the basic building blocks of human life, they are what will be altered in the first instance. 

2.Children and babies are the creation.

3.I then want to portray what sort of human the child that has just been created will grow into.

Although my initial outcome for this brief was a poster campaign, I also want to focus on SELF PROMOTION. I need my work to be seen/known and it can't unless it is promoted. 

One way that this could be done is interacting with society, which is also a possible outcome for this brief to support a poster campaign. 

Sunday 1 November 2009


Kelly Thompson is a artist who I came across when researching for my investigative study, looking at the change of the fashion image where photographic and illustrative boundaries are being blurred.

Her use of photography of the female form and intricate drawings placed over the top are the new image of fashion illustration where the two medias are being brought together to create a new powerful style of imagery. One that I want to develop in my own work.


These are a selection of old and new photographs of childhood's from my family. I will be using them as key imagery in my illustrations. Some if the photographs are over 15 years old and there is some thing really appealing about the matte texture of them and oldness.